Sunday, 8 April 2012

Moonlight Shadows


This is the author's favourite. A Davies King tale that is probably closer to true crime than many might imagine. A passport is required for the journey ahead. Be assured, the voyage is worthwhile.

When Conor is betrayed by fellow terrorists, he spends the night hidden in the bracken wondering which one of the team sold him down the river. He is surrounded by security forces all night. They are hunting him down. He's a wanted man. But Conor knows that if he can escape he will get his revenge one day. As moonlight shadows flicker, he finally realises who is responsible. With his unit destroyed and a traitor on the loose, Conor sets out for revenge.

But dark unspoken forces are at work and the track goes cold.

A decade later, Pegasus, a discredited British Intelligence Agent, produces a mysterious piece of computer software and demands reinstatement. The enigmatic software, carried in a memory stick, threatens to destabilise the world’s economy should it fall into the wrong hands.

Assured of peace, desperate to be home to be near her loved ones, Pegasus returns only to find herself plunged into a world where he who holds the software holds the future of the world in their hands.

O'Connell Bridge viewed from upstream
O'Connell Bridge, Dublin

Conor is back.

A breathtaking international chase develops. Spies, terrorists and criminals compete with each other in the battle to secure an enigmatic memory stick. It dominates proceedings. The plot, and the chase, twists and conspires to destroy the human relationships that so many take for granted.

Only Davies King, a chess-playing, barfly of a detective, and his trusty team, seem capable of bringing sanity to the lawless corruption threatening the very fabric of a cyberspace driven society.

But all the men and women of power can be trusted with such responsibilities, can’t they? Or is one of their number a traitor to his country, a traitor to his calling..... A traitor of the worst kind. And there’s only one traitor.... Isn’t there?

Paul Anthony builds tension into every page. His characters are so real you will feel as if you know them, and believe me, some you will never want to know... A cracking read...  Pauline Livingstone, Editor and Book Critic.

You'll need a passport to read this book. The action starts beneath the stars, takes you to O'Connell Bridge, Dublin and then whisks you away on a journey to Japan where the frightened one meets The Enlightened One at the statue of Bhudda, Kamakura.

This tale then takes you on a whirlwind chase through Amsterdam - where the world's only floating flowermarket is central to the plot.

It's a cracking read from Paul Anthony and the third of his 'Davies King' detective novels.
And the nearest thing to 'true crime' than what you might imagine.

Wonderfully twisty mix of crime and spy thriller with great characters 
By Scott Whitmore,US Navy
Those familiar with Mr. Anthony's biography, which includes stints as a detective in local, regional and national police agencies in the United Kingdom, including the Special Branch (now known as Counter-Terrorism Command), will take special interest in the "behind the scenes" aspect of this story. When DCS Big Al Jessop puts an operation in motion to nab some robbers in London or a PIRA Active Service Unit's movements in the Republic are monitored, there is a sense of utter authenticity to the proceedings; no extra drama needed. Finally, as I've noted before I'm an Anglophile so the settings and dialogue were just the icing on a very tasty and satisfying treat of a story. The next DCI Davies King book is already out, so I'm adding Behead the Serpent to my To Read List straightaway, sure I am.

Moonlight Shadows is a gripping cat & mouse thriller where the enemy sometimes is closer than you think and maybe even someone you trust. Revenge always takes it toll in the end. Davies King puts everything on the line including his career to safeguard a virtual time bomb of international cyber secrets sleeping soundly in a memory stick. Moonlight Shadows is another intriguing, nail biting thriller! Well done Paul Anthony!

Click on Paul Anthony for copies of  this novel in print and Kindle